I had the chance to work on character rigging and animation for a title sequence art directed by Vivian Demaurex for Phantom Pups. A Netflix Series produced by Air Bud Entertainment. The story focuses on Freddy, a young boy, and his family who move into a haunted home, where they meet three adorable ghost pups and try to help them turn back into real dogs.
The character rigs were created with DUIK Bassel.2 by myself and Vivian Demaurex. The characters all have a set of facial expressions as well as the ability to look both ways while accommodating the asymmetric design. Cleo and Edwyn also have a skeleton version for their electrocution scene as well as a post-electrocution hair.
The animation was done at 12 FPS. Some of the moves were so tight that it was done only on key poses, without any need for in-betweens.
Character rigging and animation by Anne Saint Louis & Vivian Demaurex
Art Director Vivian Demaurex
Environments designed by Syd Weiler
Characters designed by Eduardo Casian
Additional environments designed by Fe Riberio
Additional characters designed by Diana Santos
Art Director Vivian Demaurex
Environments designed by Syd Weiler
Characters designed by Eduardo Casian
Additional environments designed by Fe Riberio
Additional characters designed by Diana Santos